2010-03-11 16:15:00 Intersteno NATJECANJE VIII° Internet Contest - 15th April - 15th May 2010 (registration from 10th March)Link: http://www.intersteno.org/
t's the most important international championship, attended by more than 1000 participants who compete in 16 languages.
It's the most important international championship, attended by more than 1000 participants who compete in 16 languages.
Grading in accuracy and speed are done according to internationally agreeded standards, based on long experience and intensive investigations.
It is surely evident that a professional approach in keyboarding is a basic competence useful in any kind of schools and help to fullfill the growing demand of producing documents with the aid of computer.
The goal of this competition is to foster proficiency in the use of the keyboard and to engage young people in fair and healthy competition with their peers all over the world.
Results are ranked according to the following age categories: To qualify competitors must perform within the following limits: Category Min. char/minute Max. % errors Children 180 1 % Pupils 200 1 % Juniors 200 1 % Seniors 240 0,5 %Two types of championships: Mother tongue: competitors write in their mother tongue. Multilingual competition: competitors take part in 2 or more of the 16 available languages on the Java & Zav software. Only one attempt per each language is allowed.Participation fees 5 euro for participation only in the mother tongue, 7 euro for competitors writing in two or more languages. The fee must be sent before 14th April. Please contact the Intersteno representative in your Country or send the money directly to:
INTERSTENO Bank Account IBAN: BE53-0682-3189-0853 BIC: GKCCBEBB COUNTRY Country representative Contest responsible e-mail Argentina Mr Jorge Alberto Bravo jorgebravo2005 @ gmail.com Austria Mr Harald Liebarth harald.liebhart @ speeding.at Belgium Ms Georgette Sante g.sante @ scarlet.be Mr Danny Devriendt devriendt @ online.be Croatia Ms Marica Pirslin marica.pirslin @ zg.t-com.hr |
Ekonomska ¹kola Pula |