2008-05-05 00:00:00

UNESCO-Goi Peace Foundation International Essay Contest for Young People 2008Ako želite sudjelovati (i možda otputovati u Japan), informirajte se, kliknite na...
"My project to create positive change in my enviroment.
How can I foster sustainable development in my community?"
Deadline: June30, 2008
1st Prize Certificate and  prize of 100.00 Yen (approx US$840) 1 entrant
2nd Prize Certificate and  prize of  50.00 Yen (approx US$420) 2 entrants
3 rd Prize Certificate and  gift     5 entrants

1st prize winners will be invited for the award ceremony in Tokyo, Japan scheduled for NOvember 2008. (Travel expenses will be covered by the sponsors)
1. Essays may be submitted by anyone up to 25 years old (as of June 30, 2008) in one of the following age categories:
a) Children (ages up to 14)   b) Youth ()ages 15-25)
2. Essays must be 800 words or less, typed or printed in English, french, Spanish or German.
3. Essays must have a cover page indicating (1) category), (2) essay title, (3) your name, (4) postal address, (5) phone number, (6) e-mail address, (7) nationality, (8) age as of June 30, 2008, (9) sex, (10) school name), (11) word count. 
4. Entries may be submitted by postal mail or e-mail.
5. Essays must be original and unpublished
6. Essays must be written by one person. Co-authored essays are not accepted.
7. Copyright of the essays enterd will be assignet to the sponsors.

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