2016-10-04 13:04:00 This is Our Time U petak 25. studenoga 2016. započinje 24-satno svjetsko online interaktivno natjecanje. Odgovorite što je brže i što TOČNIJE moguće na pitanja učenika iz 170 država svijeta. Poslušajte HIMNU natjecanja: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icidveNHwx4 U 8 ujutro - zakači se na Wi-Fi, prati web škole i odgovori točno na pitanja koja će biti dodijeljena tvojem razredu. Svaki razred odgovarat će na pitanja za jednu državu iz 5 područja: geografija, povijest, sport, umjetnost i zabava i društvene znanosti. zvori za odgovore: internet, enciklopedije, knjižnica i časopisi,... Kopaj, traži, provjeri, odgovori! Koordinatori: učenici 3.c. Ekonomska - možemo li biti najbolji na svijetu? Već smo bili 3. (2003. godine). DOKAŽIMO da smo najbolji! HODOGRAM preuzmi OVDJE Pismo predstavnika organizatora (Joe Sheik, Principal, University Heights, "The UH Way Through Kindness Each and Every Day!" Unite the Nations you will receive the activity by email to your address in PDF format at midnight Nov 25...answer 275 of the 300 questions (NOT YOUR COUNTRY's) One answer sheet for each school. USE THE BLANK ANSWER FORM PROVIDED. YOu are encouraged to share challenging questions and swap answers with other participants to keep the dialogue going..teh main goal is to learn what each others students wanted to teach the world about their own country so we UNITE the NATIONS through friendly inquiry and research. Check the Facebook site for pictures and social media updates throughout the day. One final thought to share....the teacher who brought Time Project to Croatia and nutured it in that country since the start, a dear friend who I can say i've sat in his home and eaten from his table, Zlatan Soldo is still in hospital at this time. (his email as always is part of our lists here) As we are his world network, let us each send prayers and positive thoughts to him in our own ways. Let him know that while he may not join us physically this year in TIME he is always with us in spirit. Our thoughts and prayers are with him, his family and his students, colleagues and school. GET WELL OUR DEAR FRIEND....in TIME> Have a great time day, email us your photos, reports, videos... timeproject01@yahoo.ca I willl email you again at the START of TIME |
Ekonomska škola Pula |